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apply(Project) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Plugin


com.nickbenn.room.gradle - package com.nickbenn.room.gradle
Gradle-specific components (for configuring and executing a custom task provided by the plugin) of the Room schema parser.
com.nickbenn.room.model - package com.nickbenn.room.model
Model classes mapping to the JSON object structure of the Room database schema.
com.nickbenn.room.service - package com.nickbenn.room.service
Stateless service-level components providing a high-level interface for parsing a JSON database schema from an InputStream and writing the output to an OutputStream.
CONFIGURATION_CLOSURE - Static variable in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Plugin
Name of the configuration section where the task properties can be set.


Database - Class in com.nickbenn.room.model
Represents the database in a Room SQLite database schema.
DEFAULT_DESTINATION - Static variable in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Extension
Default output file path, relative to the consumer project's build.gradle location.


Entity - Class in com.nickbenn.room.model
Represents an entity in a Room SQLite database schema.
Extension - Class in com.nickbenn.room.gradle
Provides configuration properties for the extractRoomDdl Gradle task.
Extension(Project) - Constructor for class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Extension
Initializes this extension instance.
extract() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Task
Parses the contents of the file referenced by the Task.getSource() return value, replaces the embedded placeholders with the appropriate table and view names, terminates each statement with the semicolon (`;`) character and two line breaks, and writes the result to the location referenced by Task.getDestination().


getDatabase() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Schema
Returns the single Database instance of the schema, mapping to the database element of the JSON schema file.
getDdl() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Entity
Returns the CREATE TABLE SQL statement used to create the SQLite table represented by this instance.
getDdl() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Index
Returns the CREATE INDEX SQL statement used to create the SQLite index represented by this instance.
getDdl() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.View
Returns the CREATE VIEW SQL statement used to create the SQLite view represented by this instance.
getDestination() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Extension
Returns the value of the destination property, as set in the roomDdl section of build.gradle.
getDestination() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Task
Returns the value of the destination property.
getEntities() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Database
Returns the List of Entity instances representing the tables in the database schema, corresponding to the database.entities JSON property.
getIndices() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Entity
Returns the List of Index instances representing the indices declared on this entity, corresponding to the value of the database.entities[].indices array property in the JSON schema file.
getName() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Entity
Returns the name of the Room entity (also the SQLite table name) that this instance represents.
getName() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Index
Returns the name of the Room index (also the SQLite index) that this instance represents.
getName() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.View
Returns the name of the Room view (also the SQLite view name) that this instance represents.
getSource() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Extension
Returns the value of the required source property, as set in the roomDdl section of build.gradle.
getSource() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Task
Returns the value of the required source property.
getVersion() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Database
Returns the int-valued version number of the database schema, as declared in the version attribute of the @Database annotation, and serialized as the database.version property in the JSON schema.
getViews() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Database
Returns the List of View instances representing the views in the database schema, corresponding to the database.views JSON property.The latter correspond, in turn, to the @DatabaseView-annotated classes included in the views property of a @Database-annotated class.


Index - Class in com.nickbenn.room.model
Represents an index in a Room SQLite database schema.


parse(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.service.Parser
Parses Room schema DDL from JSON content obtained from input, and writes the extracted DDL (with placeholders replaced by the appropriate table and view names) to output.
Parser - Class in com.nickbenn.room.service
Provides a simple parsing service that extracts DDL from a Room-generated JSON schema file.
Parser() - Constructor for class com.nickbenn.room.service.Parser
Initializes this instance.
Plugin - Class in com.nickbenn.room.gradle
Implements a simple DDL parser/extractor Gradle plugin, intended for use in Android projects that use the Room ORM to define (or map to) and access a local SQLite database.
Plugin() - Constructor for class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Plugin
Initializes this plugin instance.


Schema - Class in com.nickbenn.room.model
Represents the top-level database schema, as declared via Room @Entity-, @DatabaseView-, and @Database-annotated classes, and as emitted by the Room annotation processor in a JSON schema file.
Schema() - Constructor for class com.nickbenn.room.model.Schema
setDatabase(Database) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Schema
Sets the value of the Database instance, as read from the JSON schema file.
setDdl(String) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Entity
Sets the CREATE TABLE SQL statement used to create the SQLite table represented by this instance.
setDdl(String) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Index
Sets the CREATE INDEX SQL statement used to create the SQLite table represented by this instance.
setDdl(String) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.View
Sets the CREATE VIEW SQL statement used to create the SQLite table represented by this instance.
setDestination(String) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Extension
Sets the destination property to the value returned from project.file(destinationStr).
setEntities(List<Entity>) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Database
Sets the List of Entity instances representing the tables in the database schema.
setIndices(List<Index>) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Entity
Sets the List of Index instances representing the indices on the table corresponding to this entity.
setName(String) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Entity
Sets the name of the Room entity (also the SQLite table name) that this instance represents.
setName(String) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Index
Returns the name of the Room index (also the SQLite index) that this instance represents.
setName(String) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.View
Sets the name of the Room view (also the SQLite view name) that this instance represents.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Extension
Sets the source property to the value returned from project.file(sourceStr).
setVersion(int) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Database
Sets the version number of the database schema.
setViews(List<View>) - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Database
Sets the List of View instances representing the views in the database schema.
stream() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Database
Gathers into a Stream and returns the DDL statements capable of creating the database corresponding to this instance, along with all of its tables, indices, and views.
stream() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Entity
Gathers into a Stream and returns the DDL statements to create the SQLite table corresponding to this instance, along with all of its indices.
stream() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Index
Returns a Stream containing the DDL statement capable of creating the SQLite view corresponding to this instance.
stream() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.Schema
Returns the DDL content returned from an invocation of getDatabase().stream().
stream() - Method in interface com.nickbenn.room.model.Streamable
Constructs (as appropriate) and returns a Stream<String> containing the relevant content of the current instance, along with that of any child objects.
stream() - Method in class com.nickbenn.room.model.View
Returns a Stream containing the DDL statement capable of creating the SQLite view corresponding to this instance.
Streamable - Interface in com.nickbenn.room.model
Declares the simple capability (implemented by all the model classes) of emitting an instance's relevant content (DDL, in this case) as a Stream<String>.


Task - Class in com.nickbenn.room.gradle
Implements a Gradle task capable of extracting and replacing placeholders in DDL statements embedded in the JSON database schema files created by the Room ORM, and writing the results to a SQL script file.
Task() - Constructor for class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Task
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class com.nickbenn.room.gradle.Plugin
Name of the Gradle task added by this plugin to the consumer project.


View - Class in com.nickbenn.room.model
Represents a view in a Room SQLite database schema.
View() - Constructor for class com.nickbenn.room.model.View
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